CVE Details
15 Nov

CVE Details provides an easy to use web interface to CVE vulnerability data. You can browse for vendors, products and versions and view cve entries, vulnerabilities, related to them. You can view statistics about vendors, products and versions of products. CVE details are displayed in a single, easy to use page, see a sample here.

CVE vulnerability data are taken from National Vulnerability Database (NVD) xml feeds provided by National Institue of Standards and Technology. Additional data from several sources like exploits from, vendor statements and additional vendor supplied data, Metasploit modules are also published in addition to NVD CVE data.

Vulnerabilities are classified by using keyword matching and cwe numbers if possible, but they are mostly based on keywords.

Unless otherwise stated CVSS scores listed on this site are “CVSS Base Scores” provided in NVD feeds. Vulnerability data are updated daily using NVD feeds.Please visit for more details.

Please contact admin at or use our feedback forum if you have any questions, suggestions or feature requests.

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